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Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Gelderland, Liemers, Velduil, akkerrand, animal, avian, avifauna, bird, dark, dier, donker, fauna, free, geel, gras, grond, ground, jaarvogel, kijken, nachtvogel, nature, natuur, nederland, nightbird, overwinteraar, owl, poetsen, predator, preening, raptor, roofvogel, rough, ruigte, schemer, short-eared Owl, uil, vogel, vrij, wild, wintergast, yellow
Photo Info

Dimensions1920 x 1080
Original file size1.3 GB
Image typeUnknown

Velduil; Short-eared Owl; Asio flammeus

Velduil rustend in ruige akkerrand tot aan de schemering waarop ze vertrekt om te foerageren; Short-eared Owl perched on the side of a field in the rough resting till the evening when she starts foraging