Wies Vink(non-registered)
Prachtige site heb je met schitterende foto's. Je vogelfoto's kende ik al maar je planten zijn ook werkelijk schitterend. Kom zeker vaker kijken.
Groet Wies
Ronald Engel(non-registered)
Schitterende fotoos! Complimenten.
Marleen Molenkamp(non-registered)
Foto van torenvalk in Telegraaf 1juli '20 is fantastisch
Kathie Henderson(non-registered)
I would like permission to paint a portrait from your photo of the young woman with the eagle owl on her shoulder?
Crazy awesome! love your work. Thanks for inspiring me. Otis
Linda Williams(non-registered)
Your work brings forth the longing to walk away from the stress of the city and rest in a meadow, thank you!
Thank you so much Michel for your wonderful photos, they are really thrilling and emotional, in the way that takes all the magic of nature. It is really a gift for the eyes and heart to enjoy all that beauty!!
Zara Liore(non-registered)
Beautiful work; you really know how to pay attention to nature's wonderful creatures. Great photos, Michel! :)
Wat een genot om alle foto's te bekijken. Puur genieten. Heel erg bedankt daarvoor!
Erik Ruiterman(non-registered)
Erg mooie platen op je site Michel, een lust om naar te kijken.

Gr, Erik
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