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Taken 30-Jun-18
Visitors 0

25 of 32 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Tere stekelvaren, Northern Buckler-fern, Dryopteris expansa, Varen, Fern, sporenplant, groen, green, rode lijst, red list, Rode lijst Nederland, red list Netherlands, rode lijst 2012, plant, flora, vegetatie, vegetation, natuur, nature, Varanger, Finnmark, Noorwegen, toendra, arctisch, arctic summer, zomer, summer, bloem, flower, bloeiend, flowering, Norway, Finnm‡rku, boven poolcirkel, Linnaeusklokje, Twinflower, Poolbraam, Arctic bramble, Interrupted Clubmoss, Lycopodium annotinum, Rubus arcticus
Photo Info

Dimensions4912 x 7360
Original file size28.7 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceAdobe RGB (1998)
Date taken30-Jun-18 17:28
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D810
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure modeManual
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 220
Metering modePattern
Digital zoom1x
Tere stekelvaren; Northern Buckler-fern; Dryopteris expansa

Tere stekelvaren; Northern Buckler-fern; Dryopteris expansa

Tere stekelvaren groeiend op de arctische toendra samen met andere pareltjes als Linnaeusklokje, Lycopodium annotinum en Poolbraam; Northern Buckler-fern growing on the arctic tundra together with Interrupted Clubmoss, Arctic bramble and Twinflower