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Taken 5-May-22
Visitors 0

13 of 21 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Helm, Marram grass, Calmagrostis arenaria, Ammophila araenaria, poaceae, Grassenfamilie, Dunes blanches, Strandhafer, geofyt, overblijvend, perennial, vivace, zeeduinen, meerjarig, geel, groen, green, yellow, pionier, kustflora, kustgebied, Plant, planting, flower, flowering, flora, vegetatie, vegetation, natuur, nature, mediterraan, mediterranean, Zuid-Frankrijk, France, Southern Europe, voorjaar, lente, spring, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, Frankrijk
Photo Info

Dimensions5504 x 8256
Original file size38.3 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken5-May-22 13:25
Date modified5-Nov-22 20:57
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D850
Focal length19 mm
Focal length (35mm)19 mm
Max lens aperturef/2.8
Exposure1/2000 at f/5
FlashNot fired
Exposure bias-2/3 EV
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 125
Metering modePattern
Helm; Marram grass; Calmagrostis arenaria

Helm; Marram grass; Calmagrostis arenaria

Helm groeiend in de duinen; Marram grass growing in the dunes